
Limiting beliefs can keep you from reaching your goals and your mission in life. You can have huge dreams and desires that you hope will be realized one day, but one day never materializes. You can dream and desire and even believe that you are going to reach your goals but that alone will not get you there. You can even make plans regarding how you are going to reach your goals but plans are just plans if you don’t act on them. In many cases there are some limiting beliefs that keep you from getting the results you desire. You need to identify those limiting beliefs so you can eliminate them. The biggest culprits are the limiting beliefs that stop you dead in your tracks. Sometimes you never get out of the gate before those limiting beliefs come along to shut you down. Limiting beliefs are not necessarily easy to identify. Limiting beliefs develop from experiences you have over your lifetime. They come from your family, friends, environment and even your religious beliefs. What are limiting beliefs? A limiting belief stops you from achieving your potential based on a false belief about yourself.

For example, a person who fails at something may believe “I am a loser or I will never succeed.” This is a limiting belief that can keep you from trying again. You have to be aware of any negative self talk because it can become a limiting belief. If you say that you can’t do it, you will believe that you can’t do it so you will not even try. The following is a list of limiting beliefs to avoid:

  • “I am not talented”
  • “If I try I will fail”
  • “I could never do that”
  • “I will never be successful”
  • “I am not smart enough to figure that out”
  • “I will always be broke”
  • “I can’t learn how to manage my money”
  • “I’m not as smart as those successful people”
  • “I’m too fat”
  • “I’m not pretty enough”

What are you saying to yourself?

If you are speaking negative to yourself, you can’t expect to obtain positive results. Change what you are saying and believing about yourself. Speak life to yourself. Limiting beliefs are not really true but you make them true in your heart and mind because you belief they are true. You have greatness growing on the inside of you but every time you attach yourself to those limiting beliefs you stop growing. You lose your potential of becoming all that you were created to be. So now is the time to examine what you are saying, thinking, speaking and believing. If what you are saying, thinking, speaking and believing about yourself does not line up with where you want to go, you need to examine the root cause of your limiting beliefs and you need to take action to reverse it. Change those limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs about yourself and you will be unstoppable.

Master Your Limiting Money Beliefs

If you look at the list above, statements like “I will always be broke” and “I can’t learn how to manage my money” are limiting money beliefs that negatively affect your ability to reach your best financial health.  But you can change and master all that by learning the secret to healing your money…  If you are ready to imagine a life where you are free to live the life that you dream of CLICK THE LINK BELOW to get my eBook:  “CHANGE AND MASTER YOUR MONEY BELIEFS:  THE SECRET TO HEALING YOUR MONEY AND IMPROVING YOUR FINANCIAL HEALTH”
