
We are what we think we are!   If we think we are going to become wealthy, we can become wealthy. If we think poverty all the time, we will stay in poverty. If you want to be wealthy do what wealthy people do. Walk in wealth by acting and speaking wealth every day. Find successful and wealthy people, whether it be in person or in books and tapes. You can use this method to make them your mentor. If you can’t personally sit down with them for an interview you will have to spend time researching them. Find out everything you can about them. This is the quickest way to getting where you want to be. We have to stop that old poverty mentality from taking over our lives. A person with a poverty mentality keeps doing all the wrong things. For example, a person who is stuck in a poverty mentality may be hanging around other people who are also stuck in a poverty mentality. You may need to replace these people with people who are where you want to go. You need to be around people that speaks your language, wealth and success not poverty and struggle. Another problem is the things that we say. Are you constantly talking about your struggles instead of your blessing? What thoughts are you allowing to linger in your mind? You should be careful about your thoughts because your thoughts become actions. Change your mental focus from the poverty lifestyle to the wealthy lifestyle. Give yourself something to shoot for by getting a vision of where you want to be. The power to change our mental attitude is within each of us. We just have to develop the strategy and plans to dig it out. In order to transition from the poverty to wealthy mentality you have to do two things: make a decision backed up with commitment and ACTION. Nothing happens without action! You can think about changing your situation all day long. You can even listen to every tape and read every book by some of the greatest millionaires but NOTHING will happen until you personally take action steps to get there. There is greatness in you but you must believe and activate the greatness by changing your thoughts and take radical actions that will get you to your wealthy place.