
First, you must identify your limiting beliefs. Check out my previous article (Identifying Your Limiting Beliefs). After your limiting beliefs are identified, you need to change what you are saying and believing about yourself and what you cannot do. Limiting beliefs keep you from reaching your true potential.

So, the first thing you need to do to eliminate your limiting beliefs is make a list of all your beliefs. Then, review each belief and determine which beliefs are limiting beliefs and are keeping you from moving forward. As you look at each belief that you have listed pay special attention to the ones that would change your life if you didn’t believe it to be true.

As you look at each belief on your list ask yourself – “How do I know that this belief is true?” “Did I personally have an experience that caused me to believe that this belief is true?” “How many times did I have the same experience?” “Did I have the same experience enough times to make me really confident that this is true?” “Where did this belief come from?” “Was it my own personal experience or did I assume it to be true because I was told it was true by my parents, family, friends or co-workers?”

When I was in a “World View Course” in college, my instructor gave the class an assignment to write a paper of why we believed in Christ? We all turned in our papers and our instructor gave us all an “F” and told us to rewrite our papers because all of them were about what we were told to believe and not why we believed. After, many rewrites we finally started writing about our own personal experiences and why we believed. We were limited in our belief system until we verified why we believed what we believed was true and not what someone else believed.

A limiting belief is a belief that we have just accepted as our own without actually experiencing it or verifying it or really knowing that the belief it really true. Unfortunately, we are bombarded with limiting beliefs all the time and sometimes unconsciously, we accept what we hear to be true without verifying that it is actually true. Limiting beliefs will continue to enter your space so you must always examine your life to make sure that your beliefs are supported by evidence that it is true.

To eliminate your limiting beliefs, look for evidence to support what you believe. Just because someone says something is true, doesn’t mean it’s true. You have to consider whether or not that person has the expertise to backup their statement. Also, whether they are just repeating something that they believe to be true but never verified or saw evidence that it was true.

But there is good news, we are not forever stuck in these limiting beliefs. We can change our behaviors created by these negative limiting beliefs They limit us and keep us from stepping into our true potential. How? You might ask. We can simply choose not to believe those limiting beliefs. We can proactively identify those limiting beliefs and replace those limiting beliefs with true empowering beliefs. We can take off the limits and allow ourselves to operate in our true potential and live our greatest life.

The second thing to do is as you review your list of limiting beliefs, you need to become intentional about finding supporting evidence that each limiting belief on your list is a lie.

Thirdly, create a new belief that cancels and replaces each limiting belief. Write an affirmation that speaks to the opposite of what you previously believed. For example, if your limiting belief was “I am not smart enough to figure that out,” your new empowering belief is “I am smart enough to figure that out.” If your limiting belief was “I will never be successful,” your new empowering belief is “I will be successful.” If your limiting belief was “I will always be broke,” your empowering belief is “I will be prosperous.”
Do your research and find people who have succeeded and information that supports your empowering beliefs. It takes more than saying you want to change things in your life. You need to dig deep and find those limiting beliefs that are holding you back and then eliminate them by replacing those negative beliefs with positive empowering beliefs that will propel you forward into your full true potential and purpose.

Master Your Limiting Money Beliefs

If you believe “I will always be broke” or “I can’t learn how to manage my money” you are accepting limiting money beliefs that negatively affect your ability to reach your best financial health.  But you can change and master all that by learning the secret to healing your money…

If you are ready to imagine a life where you are free to live the life that you dream of,

