
Do you know where your money is going? It’s pretty hard to control your money, if you don’t know what your money is or isn’t doing. Spend the time to find out. Schedule a recurring event in your calendar to review and analyze your finances. Find a comfortable place to work. Turn on smooth jazz music or some other soft enjoyable music that will set the tone for this event. The more time you spend analyzing, managing, and planning your finances, the more you will become accustomed to being in charge and in control of your money.

Money is meant to flow! So no matter what, it is going to flow somewhere. That is why you must give all your money a purpose. Otherwise, it will flow to the place of least resistance. If money is just left to go wherever it wants to go it may not end up where you intended it to go or prove to be beneficial to you. Give all your money purpose so it knows where it is supposed to go.

Be sure to pay yourself first. You have put in the sweat and muscle to earn your income; therefore, you should be able to benefit from your efforts. The reason most people lose control over their money is because they have set themselves up to continually be at the end of the line as their money is being handed out. Instead of being in control of our money, we add more and more creditors as we spend beyond our income. This constant and increase in expenses make us more and more obligated to pay them first and push ourselves further down the line until there is nothing left to give ourselves. When money is in control, we never have enough left over to pay ourselves. We also have nothing to save and invest for our future.

Do not sign up for automatic payment to mortgage companies, utility companies and other creditors through your bank’s online bill pay or within the individual companies mentioned above. Automatic bill pay is one sure way to give up control of your money. As soon as you authorize an automatic bill pay to a utility company or creditor, you have loss control of your money and given them access to your money.

The truth is that when you don’t take control of your money, you experience stress in the present and in the future. But when you do take control of your money, you are way ahead of the game. This is a game! A Money Game! The only way you can really win is to know how to play. The most important step is to take control of your money. If you don’t take control of your money, somebody else will.

Question: What are you going to do to stay in control of your money?


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