
Do you want to break away for the norm? You can! Just think about the things that we consider normal and how we just follow along with what the rest of the world is doing. Just think about how many people have cable or satellite. People sign up for this service and allow these companies to dictate to them how much they will pay and which programming will be made available to them. We want to be entertained and we let these companies decide for us what will entertain us. We are locked into their program and never think that we can create a program of our own. As we fall in line with the rest of society, we never think about stepping outside of the box and we are willing to pay whatever the cable and satellite companies tell us to pay for the entertainment that they decide to provide.

Do you have money to throw away? I know I don’t! With the economy and job market so volatile and unstable, now would be a good time to reevaluate where your money is going and if you can make some changes to save your hard earned dollars. Have you ever paid attention to how many things you don’t control? For example, our society is moving more and more to turning all its power and authority over to creditors and other companies who request access to your bank account. Most financial institutions offer a bill paying service for a fee. You provide the bills and the date you want your bills paid by the bill paying service. Why are consumers so willing to pay this fee, when consumers can pay their own bills by writing the check and putting the payment in the mail or by going to the creditor’s website and paying the bill online. Almost every type of expense that a consumer may have offers the consumer the option to sign-up for automatic bill payments. These automatic bill payments are automatically deducted from the consumer’s bank account. The problem with signing up for automatic payments is that you have just signed over your power and authority to a creditor, company of financial institution. Your money should never be released to the management of another. Whereas it may be easy to sign up for automatic payments it may not be so easy to regain control of your finances after you have release control and authority to someone else.

Don’t give away what rightfully belongs to you. You don’t have to follow what is popular in society. Instead of following what others are doing, try focusing on how you can save or invest those dollars. Focus on keeping as much of your income as you can. What does it take to break away from the norm? A decision to be different and walk to the beat of a different drum. It takes stepping out of your comfort zone and taking the risk to do something you have never done before. It takes becoming non-negotiable about the decision that you have committed to see through to the end. It will not be easy. You will have a fight on your hands but you can do it. The result on the other side will be worth it all.