
People are programmed to get into debt and to stay into debt. After all, this is an “instant” society that wants everything now. Everyone is programmed to believe that credit is the best way to get their American Dream. It is a fact of life that most people spend more than they currently have to obtain their piece of the American Dream. At this point it might be useful to point out that most people are headed towards living from paycheck-to-paycheck. But, you should strongly consider that our government is already living from paycheck-to-paycheck and it is not working out to good for them. Although, the government operates at a continuous deficit, the government has the ability to just raise their debt level and just print more money. What we often don’t consider is that we are unable to keep spending more than we have.

There is another way, a better way. I recommend personal financial education that will teach people how to handle their finances. You don’t know what you don’t know. While basic money management skills are a necessary step towards financial health, it won’t necessarily result in good financial habits. Many people say that knowledge is power but that is an incorrect statement. Knowledge is not power, knowledge is empowering!  Even if you know what to do but it doesn’t mean that you will act on it.  So, what is it that keeps you from living an abundant, successful and prosperous lifestyle?  It is the negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs that you have around money. It is the self-sabotaging negative thoughts that have seeped into your unconscious mind over time. It is the negative money beliefs that create your money mindset and your money beliefs.  Your money beliefs and mindset is developed from your experiences and the things you have learned from your parents, family, friends and the environment that you live in.

You may not have realized that you have developed poor financial habits that need to be changed. To put it simply, there are two areas that need to be addressed before you can change your money mindset. First of all, you need to identify how you feel about money. What do you think about money and why? Next, you need to make a conscious decision to change the negative thoughts and feelings that you have about money. Seek out and absorb all the positive things that you can find regarding money. Hang around people who have a positive mindset and not a negative mindset. For example: One of the negative things that people say about money is that “Money is the root of all evil.” This is incorrectly quoted from the Bible which states that “The love of money is the root of all evil.” If you receive and accept the negative and incorrect statement about money then you could subconsciously think you should hate money because it is evil. Money is not evil. The evil is reflected in the character of the person who has the money. If you are a bad person, then you will do bad things with money. If you are a good person, that person will do more, good in the world. Money is not bad or good, it is simply a tool to be used by people. Second, you need to evaluate your money story. How do you think about money? What do you believe about money?  What is your attitude and relationship with money? The stories that you have told yourself about money from your past experiences will dictate your mindset when it comes to money. Your money mindset and your money beliefs fuel your money habits and is the deciding factor in how you handle your money.   How you manage your money today. If you need to change your money mindset, get the necessary education you need to improve your money management skills. The key to changing your money mindset is aggressively pursuing change in the following ways: through education, consistent action, accountability and implementing everything you learn. Everything you want to see in changed in your financial world is tied to changing your mindset, your money beliefs and the way you think about your money.

Master Your Limiting Money Beliefs

I know it may all seem impossible but it is not.    You can get rid of the obstacles that are keeping you just out of reach of your dreams. You can get your money right by learning the secret to healing your money…  If you are ready to change and master your money beliefs, CLICK THE LINK BELOW:  To get my eBook:  “CHANGE AND MASTER YOUR MONEY BELIEFS:  THE SECRET TO HEALING YOUR MONEY AND IMPROVING YOUR FINANCIAL HEALTH”


