
Unexpected life events may cause you to lose control. We seek to have control over our lives and we often convince ourselves that everything will play out exactly as we plan. But reality steps in and we are often faced with some unexpected life event. When an unexpected event occurs it catches people completely off guard unless they have planned for the possibility of that life event in advance. If you are not prepared for the unexpected event it can often cause emotional distress and frustration. In addition, if there is an unexpected expense and you have not made any financial provisions for that expense you may be faced with seeking a loan to cover the situation.

Who is affected by unexpected life events? Everyone has been affected by an unexpected life event at some time in their life. Some people are prepared and have a plan already in place to cover the situation while other people are not prepared because they did not think this or that would happen to them. When an unexpected event happens, many people are surprised and some are actually devastated. The people who are prepared simply put their plan into action while those who are not prepared, scramble to find a solution to their problem. It is better to seek answers to problems when you are not stressed out and frustrated because you will be able to take the time to weigh the pros and cons of the situation. When people are desperate for a solution, they make hasty decisions without researching the consequences of those decisions. What are some of the unexpected life events that people encounter? Some of the unexpected life events are: medical bills, car repairs, new cars housing maintenance, pet bills, hidden fees, job loss, laptop breakage, cell phone breaks, family emergencies.

When do unexpected life events happen? Unexpected life events happen without any warning. When people least expect it, they have to deal with some unexpected event that disrupts their daily lives. People may not know when it is going to happen but they can be assured that life happens and the only thing they can do, is plan to be as prepared as possible.

How do unexpected life events happen? Sometimes it happens because we failed to properly maintain our home, car, health, appliances, pets, and finances. Also, there are times that we didn’t perform due diligence or perform well in our jobs or relationships. Then, there are times that we have no control over an unexpected life event. For example, when there is a car accident or there is a sudden loss of a loved one, we have no control.

Where do unexpected life events happen? Unexpected life events happen everywhere. There is nowhere that people can go without eventually experiencing an unexpected life event. Therefore, people need to plan and prepare for unexpected life events before they happen. When people are prepared and ready to meet unexpected life events, they can successfully resolve the problems that arise.

If you are ready to make plans for the unexpected events in your life and would like to work with me, contact me to schedule a free discovery session at http://saundragage.com/contact/