
Many people are struggling to make ends meet or to get that next promotion or to find the one thing that they believe will change their lives for the better, forever. Many people believe if they just make more money, they will be able to change everything that seems to be going wrong. Because they feel they don’t have the money to buy this or that, they think that is why they are not successful. Many people believe that one day things will change if they keep doing what they are doing and don’t give up. There ship will come in one day. They are sure of it. Many people believe that where they are right now is not their fault. It was other people who didn’t give them a chance or didn’t recognize their talents and looked over them again and again by giving opportunities to others instead of giving them a chance.

But what many people don’t realize is that they have this power on the inside of them that can change their lives, starting today not to mention their future! Our future is determined by how we think. If our thinking is not made of empowering beliefs about what we can do and accomplish, we can’t step into those opportunities that have always been available to us. Our mindset can either propel us into a fantastic future or block us from moving beyond where we currently are. Everything that you want to accomplish and do starts with setting your mind to get it done and make it happen.

If you are struggling to make ends meet right now, I promise you that you have the ability to change that. If you start with a decision that you want to change this situation and then seriously seek for ways to make changes and then take real action towards your goals for change, opportunities will show up like never before. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear but you have to be ready by putting yourself in position to receive each opportunity that comes your way. When opportunities present themselves, you will begin to make needlepoint moves that will implement and reveal the changes you are seeking. It is good practice to seek out people who have reached success but came through various struggles to get there. If you can’t talk to these people personally that’s okay because you can still tap into this information through books that these successful people have written. They often write about their journey, their struggles and how they finally reached success. All you have to do is follow their examples and then develop your own road map to success because success leaves clues. If it worked for them, it will work for you.

For those who believe if they make more money it will be the solution to resolve your situation. Think about it. Are you making the same amount of money you were making 10 years ago, 5 years ago? Chances are that most of you are making more money. If the increase in your income didn’t solve the problem then it’s not going to solve the problem now. It is not how much money you receive, it’s how much money you keep (save and invest). Most people don’t have an income problem, they have a money management problem. How do I know? I have known some people who were living below the poverty level but they were still able to put their kids through college. I have also read about people who had so much money that they didn’t know what to do with it. So, they spent every dime and dollar that came into their possession. They became bankrupt and lost everything they had because they spent what they had and didn’t plan for their future. Some people are living above their income. They spend more than they make and wonder why they are not getting ahead.

For the people who believe that one day things will change if they keep doing what their doing. Here is your wakeup call! Stop expecting things to change when you have not changed the process. It’s insane to think that if you keep doing what you’re doing that you’re going to magically get a different result. To see change you must take new action and receive a new result.
For the people that believe that it’s not their fault that they are not successful. I’m sorry but I don’t agree with you. Sure, there may be circumstances where someone has blocked you from getting a well-deserved promotion. But no one can stop you from being successful. If you can’t be successful or make progress where you are then it’s time for you to look for the place where you can blossom, grow and become successful. Don’t stay where you are not valued. Time is too short to spend years of your life trying to make someone value you. Don’t limit yourself by believing what other people want you to believe about yourself. You have the ability to be all you were created to be. You just have to believe it to achieve it. If they don’t appreciate your skills and abilities, you have to know that there is someone who will. The opportunity to expand, grow and succeed will come. You have to make up your mind that you are going to take action until you find that opportunity. Your future depends on it! Like I said you have the power within you to become whomever you want to be and to become successful at it. Of course, it’s going to take work on your part. It’s going to take determination, perseverance and the belief that you can accomplish the things you set out to do. You can do it!

The mind is a very powerful part of who we are, what we become and what we accomplish. When we don’t pay attention to what we’re thinking and why we’re thinking this or that we become victim to being conditioned to think what other people want us to think. The problem with allowing that to happen is that we are living the lives others want us to live and not the lives we desire to live.

I hope this article was helpful. If you want to dig deeper into your money mindset which is key to your future success, check out my “Unlock Your Money Mindset Course” at https://prosperous-living-academy.teachable.com/p/unlock-your-money-mindset or if you are interested in working with me sign up for a free 15-minute complimentary session. Click here to schedule your Financial Freedom session.