
How to Turn Survival Into Financial Freedom

Do you feel stuck in life? Are you just existing from payday to payday? Does it seem that no matter how hard you try you can’t find the money to invest in yourself and pursue your dreams or business opportunities?

Beyond Survival author, coach and motivational speaker, Saundra talks straight about how we get stuck in survival mode when we give away our authority and how to take our authority back.

A Contract Specialist honored with the NASA Distinguished Service Medal, Saundra tells how she went from being disempowered with no voice only existing and doing as she was told to empowered to regain her voice to live and be her authentic self. Through stories and dozens of practical tips, she shows the way to anyone who is stressed, frustrated, disempowered in a never-ending cycle, and is trying to figure out why they can’t break free.

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In these pages you’ll discover:

  • How to identify your limiting beliefs and improve your relationship with money
  • How to stop sabotaging yourself
  • How to get free to live your dreams
  • How to assess your financial health
  • How to develop a strategic plan for financial health
  • How to maintain financial health, wellness, and freedom

This is your life, your story, your journey but only you can empower yourself to write the story you want to live. If you are stuck pleasing people, just existing from day-to-day and you want to stop but you don’t know how, this book is for you.

What people are saying about the book…

“Saundra Gage has helped me resolve some debts that I had. Using the information that was given in her book ‘Destroying the Chains of Debt Forever’ helped me to pay off debts through a step by step process.”

Cassandra Campbell

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