Do You Have An Abundance or Scarcity Mindset?

Do You Have An Abundance or Scarcity Mindset?

How you view the world can affect the opportunities you see, your expectations, and ultimately your results. You can choose to see the world as a place of abundance or a place of scarcity. One is certainly more optimistic than the other! Your view of the world is very...
Does Your Spending Match Your Values and Priorities?

Does Your Spending Match Your Values and Priorities?

When most of your money goes toward providing what’s most important to you, you tend to live a more fulfilled life and feel more satisfied with the way you spend your money. It’s also easier to stick to your personal finance plan when its objectives are to get you...
Breaking Away From The Norm Isn’t Easy But It Can Be Done!!!!

Breaking Away From The Norm Isn’t Easy But It Can Be Done!!!!

Do you want to break away for the norm? You can! Just think about the things that we consider normal and how we just follow along with what the rest of the world is doing. Just think about how many people have cable or satellite. People sign up for this service and...
Choose Your Surroundings Judiciously!

Choose Your Surroundings Judiciously!

  Carefully choosing your surroundings can make building a financial abundance simpler than it seems. Everything in your life is a result of your surroundings. Therefore, if you have friends who like to engage in negative behaviors, you will likely have negative...